Unit Plan

Writer's Workshop Unit Plan in Brief - Bats

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Background Information

This Writing lesson is taught using a Guided Language Acquisition Design or GLAD structure, which is specifically designed to address learners who are diverse in language, culture, and/or ability. It uses direct instruction, discussion, writing, color, kinesthetics, writing, and chanting or singing to provide information, and to allow students to use the information immediately. This lesson also involves the teacher speaking and allowing students to share throughout. Students will learn about bats, parts of speech, and write an acrostic poem about their learning.

All weekly lessons are taught over a two day period.

Week 1: Lesson Plans - 2 Day Lessons

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  • T-Chart for Social Skills
  • Introduce and Implement 10:2 or CHUNK & CHEW throughout lessons.
  • Introduce and Implement Super Scientist Awards
  • Read Big Book of Bats
  • Bat Inquiry Chart
  • Add what has been learned to inquiry chart at end of each session.
  • Pictorial Input chart - Share rubber bat; let students pass it around, feel texture, discuss
  • Students draw and color a bat diagram; they can use Input Chart and Super Scientist Awards to see what parts need to be included (5 toes on each foot, brown and furry, eyes, mouth, ears, finger bones, wings)
  • Do chant: "Is This a Bat? Yes Ma'am"
Week 2: Lesson Plans - 2 Day Lessons

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Week 3: Lesson Plans - 2 Day Lessons

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  • Implement Super Scientist Awards; revisit T-Chart and expectations, Use 10:2 throughout.
  • Revisit Sentence Patterning Chart, sing song.
  • Introduce and share Big Chart with "Bats Here, There, Everywhere".
  • Pair Students, they work together writing their own Bats "Here, There, Everywhere" chant.
  • Add to Inquiry Chart, review what has been learned.
Week 4: Lesson Plans - 2 Day Lessons

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  • Implement Super Scientist Awards; revisit T-Chart and expectations, Use 10:2 throughout.
  • Show Pod A Bat Website
  • Add to Inquiry Chart, review what has been learned.
  • Write Acrostic Poetry.
  • As students finish their work, give them a round bat book to color, read, and look at.
  • Share and Make Bat Mobile